Relaunch and rename as Hong Kong Media Overseas

Press Release


3 May 2023

On World Press Freedom Day we are relaunching our Association and reminding the world how Hong Kong’s press freedom has been whittled away to the extent that independent journalism has been criminalised.

Once home to one of the freest media centres in Asia, Hong Kong has joined the dismal roll call of places where press freedom has largely been extinguished.

In response to the steadily deterioration of the media situation and acutely aware of the responsibility of media professionals now relocated overseas the Association of Hong Kong Overseas Media Professionals has decided to focus more intensely on the fate of our colleagues facing long  jail sentences, on the closure of independent media organisations and the dangers posed to our brave colleagues still struggling to keep independent media alive.

Our Association has been renamed as Hong Kong Media Overseas (HKMO) and we are delighted to announce that thr board of directors has been expanded to include more highly experienced journalists who have worked in Hong Kong, namely Simon Lee, Nina Loh and Jane Poon. They are joining existing board members: Joseph Ngan (Chairman), Steve Vines and Chris Wong.

  • On this day our thoughts focus on the fate of the 28 journalists who have been arrested and charged with offences potentially carrying very heavy penalties. We note that many of them have been held for over two years without trial, are held in solitary confinement and facing a severely compromised justice system. Pressure for their release is a top priority.
  • We also do not forget the forced closure of news outlets which once enjoyed high levels of reader and viewership, notably, Apple Daily newspaper, Citizens’ News, Factwire and Stand News
  • We have seen the way that the public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong has become little more than a government mouthpiece and how the high levels of direct censorship and self-censorship have neutralised other parts of the media. 
  • We note the readiness of the police to regularly intervene in media affairs and threaten prosecution.
  • We note the frequent physical intimidation of journalists by unidentified persons which contributes to the atmosphere of fear surrounding the practise of journalism.

Our latest survey “Report on the Hong Kong journalist diaspora community” suggests that a diaspora media community is struggling to establish itself overseas, and our association will work with other organizations aim to provide training in English language to be able to continue working in the media industry. 

Joseph Ngan, Chair of the HKMO, said, ‘To forget what is happening in Hong Kong is to provide aid and comfort to the enemies of liberty.’

For media enquiries in Chinese or English, please contact us


  1. Simon Lee is a writer and commentator and former Apple Daily columnist.
  2. Nina Loh is a senior media professional and She served as the producer for Radio Television Hong Kong current affairs. 
  3. Jane Poon is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the online news platform “The Points”. She was previously served the Next Magazine in Hong Kong.
