Hong Kong Media Overseas demands the HKSAR stop its smear campaign against the HKJA

Hong Kong Media Overseas (HKMO) condemns the Secretary for Security’s criticism of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) and demands the authorities stop their smear campaign against the HKJA.

The HKJA just held its annual general meeting and elections for the executive committee on 22nd June, 2024. Some of the HKJA’s members or former members received anonymous text messages right before the meeting, warning of possible infiltration by law enforcement officers and advising them to “keep a distance” from the association.

Tang Ping-keung, the Secretary for Security, not only failed to acknowledge the severity of this potential threat to the HKJA but also smeared the association’s credibility, accusing it of links to the so-called “black-clad violence” and claiming some candidates have received funds from the United States.

HKMO condemns these inaccurate accusations. HKMO stresses that the Bureau has repeatedly discredited the HKJA by smearing the association since the 2019 anti-extradition law movement broke out. The HKSAR has been blatantly violating press freedom in Hong Kong by misusing its public power. 

Ranson Chan, the Chairman of the HKJA, condemned the Secretary for Security’s remarks as slanderous accusations and urged the government to stop spreading fake news.

The HKJA was lawfully established in 1968 and is affiliated with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest federation of journalists’ unions, representing over 600,000 media workers from 187 organisations in 146 countries. The IFJ is an associate member of UNESCO and has represented journalists at the United Nations since 1953.

HKMO appeals to the local and international community to keep monitoring press freedom in Hong Kong and to support the HKJA and the city’s journalists against threats inflicted by the administration.

If you have any questions, please email: info@aohkmp.org.uk


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