New report highlights the plight of journalists in Hong Kong

The growing harassment and intimidation of journalists working in Hong Kong has been highlighted in a report from the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) published on 13 September.

Hong Kong Media Overseas (HKMO) is extremely worried by this report which highlights what looks like a ‘systematic organized attack’ with at least 13 media local media outlets targeted and is focused on the HKJA’s committee members.

Alongside threats directly made to journalists the attackers have also intimidated their family members, employers and  landlords who were threatened by action under national security legislation on grounds that association with the targeted individuals exposed them to prosecution.

The journalists themselves have received death threats and were subject to vivid online images depicting violence against them. It is also worrying to note that the attackers have gained access to private information allowing them to locate journalists in their homes and on their private social media accounts.

Although Hong Kong has beefed up laws criminalising action of this kind, there has, to date, been no response following complaints to the police. Nor have the authorities, who claim to be protecting the freedom of the press, responded to this wave of intimidation.

HKMO is seriously worried by this report and the lack of protection offered to journalists who stand to face even more serious consequences if these attacks are not dealt with.

We trust the overseas governments will raise this issue in dealings with the HKSAR government and with its masters in Beijing.

Joseph Ngan, chair of the HKMO, said:

‘The erosion of press freedom in Hong Kong has already seen journalists thrown in jail, media outlets closed down and mass departures from the industry either by force or in anticipation of punishment. We cannot allow the Hong Kong authorities to get away with this new wave of intimidation in silence.’
